/ stories / 2008 Tokyo Marathon

Course 1 12.7 km (7.9 miles) counter-clockwise loop, mostly flat with long up hill at SW turn at Ose Koen.   It also offers the option to include some Ose Koen Hill work. It's a good route to use before sunrise because the first half is a paved footpath along the road with some lighting.
Course 2 8.6 km (5.34 miles) counter-clockwise loop, mostly flat with moderate up hill over expressway at three kilometer point.  Times can vary due to traffic and a number of roads to cross that can be busy.  It's a good summertime or late morning route but in Winter it's risky due to narrow road and late sunrise.
Course 3 16.1 Km (10 miles) course comprising course 1 CCW to point A then completing route via course 2 in clockwise direction.
Ose Koen Hill Work: Details
Ose Koen Hill Work Option 1:  Hill #1 only, run up, walk down recovery.  Hill #1 (between asterisks) is steps. 
  Option 2:  Clockwise course following orange route alternating Hill #1 with Hill #2.  Hill #1 (between asterisks) is steps followed by a rolling paved path, After intersection with blue route the remainder is roadway.   Hill #2  (in blue) is roadway. 